gimme - Group Iterative Multiple Model Estimation
Data-driven approach for arriving at person-specific time series models. The method first identifies which relations replicate across the majority of individuals to detect signal from noise. These group-level relations are then used as a foundation for starting the search for person-specific (or individual-level) relations. See Gates & Molenaar (2012) <doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.06.026>.
Last updated 6 months ago
7.71 score 26 stars 53 scripts 1.1k downloadsperturbR - Random Perturbation of Count Matrices
The perturbR() function incrementally perturbs network edges (using the rewireR function)and compares the resulting community detection solutions from the rewired networks with the solution found for the original network. These comparisons aid in understanding the stability of the original solution. The package requires symmetric, weighted (specifically, count) matrices/networks.
Last updated 6 years ago
3.26 score 1 dependents 12 scripts 341 downloads